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reinforce tape中文是什么意思

用"reinforce tape"造句"reinforce tape"怎么读"reinforce tape" in a sentence


  • 补强带
  • 加强带


  • Pressure - sensitive plastic or nylon - reinforced tape
  • Auto - reinforcing tape sealing machine
  • Seal the shipping container with either two inches 5 . 08 cm or more width of pressure - sensitive or nylon - reinforced tape or with 60 - pound , three inch 7 . 62 cm wide water - activated reinforced tape
    以两英寸5 . 08厘米以上阔的压力感应胶带或强化尼胶带,或60磅三英寸7 . 62厘米阔的加水式强化胶带封箱。
  • Handhold reinforcing tape : a reinforcing tape , such as sesame tape , minimum 3 / 16 " wide , will be embedded in the carton wall 1 / 8 " to 3 / 8 " aboe the upper score line of each handhold
    把手(孔)应力加固带:一种应力加固带,比如双面芝麻胶带,最少3 / 16 "宽,粘贴在每个手孔的上切割线上方1 / 8 "至3 / 8 "处的箱体纸板内部
  • Handhold reinforcing tape : a reinforcing tape , such as sesame tape , minimum 3 / 16 " wide , will be embedded in the carton wall 1 / 8 " to 3 / 8 " above the upper score line of each handhold
    把手(孔)应力加固带:一种应力加固带,比如双面芝麻胶带,最少3 / 16 "宽,粘贴在每个手孔的上切割线上方1 / 8 "至3 / 8 "处的箱体纸板内部
  • Seal the shipping container with either two inches ( 5 . 08 cm ) or more width of pressure - sensitive or nylon - reinforced tape or with 60 - pound , three inch ( 7 . 62 cm ) wide water - activated reinforced tape . close the box securely , applying three strips of tape to both the top and bottom of the box , so the middle and two edge seams are sealed
    08厘米)或更宽宽度的感压或尼龙加强胶带,或者使用60磅、三英寸( 7 . 62厘米)宽的水活性强力胶带,密封运输容器。在包装箱的顶部和底部贴上三条胶带,牢固地合上包装箱,这样中间的接缝和两条边沿接缝就已经密封了。
用"reinforce tape"造句  
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